What do all of our best transformations have in common?
If you’re expecting to find out the big secret to fat loss, that magical training plan, exercise, miracle food or even better, the food you must never eat again, then sorry to disappoint you, but it just doesn’t work that way.
In fact, you might be surprised to learn our top 5 tips that we’ve identified in those who absolutely kill it with results and progress. So, here it goes, our list of common factors we see amongst those who get the changes they are after with us at PPT.
- They are consistent. The changes that you make that you can stay consistent with are always going to give better results than a drastic change that is so hard that you dip in and out. There’s no point in doing something so drastic that you can’t sustain it. Progress over perfection every day of the week will also get you where you want to go.
- These clients are compliant, by that we mean they are listening to what their PPT coaches are asking of them and doing it. An extension to the above point, but really these guys don’t pick and choose when they will listen, they just straight up do what is asked of them. Does that mean their getting it 100% right, 100% of the time? Hell NO! But they’re doing it the majority of the time and the times that it’s not all text book perfect, chances are they’ve chatted to their coach and have worked through some sort of revised plan to stay on top of their game.
- They’re viewing this as a lifestyle change, it’s not just “I want to lose X kilos”. The best results have come from those who know and have identified within themselves that they can improve. Whatever they are currently do is just is not working, they’re not happy and they want better.
- They are utilising all resources available to them to get the job done. Team PPT is a great community of clients and coaches and everyone wants each other to succeed so there is so much help, guidance and support. Anyone who has done really well always seems to be the person who has either asked the most questions along the way, or shared the most with others about how they feel. This is huge, can be a little uncomfortable for some people, but it is a huge contributor
- Stepping outside of their comfort zone and opening their mind up to try something. Now this might be anything training, nutrition or lifestyle related, but they’ve all been willing to at least try something different to what they usually do. Is it a new veggie, a different style of training, maybe its meditation to help them relax, whatever it is, they are giving it a go
The next PPT8 is around the corner, and if you know you want to change and are ready for 2020 to be the year in happens, then jump on and pre register NOW so you don’t miss out.
To read from some of these amazing clients head to our transformations & testimonials