What is the best training program to build muscle?
What is the best training program to drop some body fat?
What is the best training program to gain strength?
Does the best training program for any of these even exist?
If you get out there and look around, you will see so many fitness influencers telling you that it does, in fact they’re trying to sell you on it. You know the ones, a standard cookie cutter program that will solve EVERYONE’s problem.
Well we’ve got a different perspective when answering that question and it 100% puts you in the centre of it.
Everyone’s different – work, family, social life, eating habits, sleeping habits, stress levels, the lot. No two people are ever the same, so if you take that knowledge and apply it to training we’ve got a lot of differences to take into account, so how can there be one BEST program?
Instead we want to present to you a better approach on how to judge if a program is in fact the right one for you. To do this, lets look at its suitability! If it suits you, your goals and life, then you’re winning.
Sound good? Great, then keep reading and we will share the 3 basic principles, to help you make this judgement.
Principle #1 – REALISTIC
Is the training realistic for you? Think of everything that makes up your training program, exercise selection, intensity, frequency, duration, the lot. No point having the best program out there if it says you to train 5 days a week and you’re lucky to make 2 sessions
Principle #2 – ENJOYABLE
The peak training times for most are either before or after work. It’s their leisure time, their opportunity to unwind so this time should have an element of enjoyment otherwise you know what that means? It won’t get done!
Principle #3 – FLEXIBLE
News flash, clients live in the real world with real demands. As coaches we’d love to hear that a client’s training is their number 1 priority, but we know that’s not true. While we go to a lot of time to think through and plan a client’s program, there needs to be some wiggle room for those moments when it might not go to plan.
Now, if you’re to go back and revisit some of your most successful programs that got the best results, you’ll probably find that they tick all these boxes. Look to get more of this into your training and you’ll get where you want to be sooner!
NOTE: REF principles and concepts adapted from the The Muscle and Strength Pyramid – Training