We’re not going to beat around the bush or mince our words today. We’re going to give it to you straight so that you can get yourself sorted for some real, sustainable and long term change. There’s too many false facts out there still in the health and fitness world, and we want to set them straight.
You ready? Great, here we go 20 Fitness and Fat Loss myths that need to go away forever.
- Carbs are bad for you. Not true. Fruits and veggies are carbs and they’re great for you
- Weights will make you bulky. Nope. Fat loss is possible with resistance training
- To get results you need to exercise every day. If you have the time and enjoy it great, but it’s not necessary
- Cardio is what you need to lose weight. Cardio is a form of exercise and it’s best results are on our cardiovascular system. So it’s needed for a healthy heart, but it’s not necessary when fat loss is the goal. You can lift weights and drop fat
- Deadlifts are bad for you. Not true, they’re fantastic and bending down and picking things up is something we will do all our lives, so learn how to move well!.
- You must track calories if you want to lose fat. Fat loss is possible if you are in a calorie deficit, but that doesn’t mean you need to count calories. There’s other ways, e.g reducing your portion size
- Do weights only if you want to build muscle Do weights cause they also can be beneficial in helping you lose weight & move better.
- Too much protein isn’t good for you. Too much of anything can be bad for you. What does “too much” even mean?
- Gluten free is a healthier way for everyone to eat. Exclusion diets should be avoided unless medically required so enjoy all foods
- Vegan or vegetarian diets are better for you. This way of eating isn’t superior and if you truly love meat, feel like it’s a punishment to adopt a vegetarian lifesytyle, then don’t do it. You need a sustainable approach
- Squatting below parallel is bad for my knees. Not squatting below parallel might be worse for you unless you have been directed by a medical professional
- Fat burner supplements are needed to drop/burn fat. You don’t NEED a supplement, you need to be in a calorie deficit.
- Sugar is in fruit so I need to cut it out Don’t cut it out, fruit is great for you and full of important vitamins, minerals and fibre.
- Nuts have good fat so I can eat as much as I like nuts are great, lots of health benefits, but you can’t just eat as many as you want, keep portions under control. They’re also super dense in calories which maked it even more important to keep portion size sensible
- As long as I eat clean I can eat whatever even clean, nutrient dense food has calories and there needs to be some element of portion control applied to avoid weight gain
- Ab exercises will get me abs no they won’t, but they will give your stronger abs. Fat doesn’t go from one area of the body, just because you’re exercising there, no such thing as spot reduction.
- The more sore you are after a workout the better it was If you train to the point you’re needing a walking frame every time you’re training, you’re probably overdoing it
- There’s good food and bad food Food doesn’t have a personality, so no
- Sweat is your fat crying Fat doesn’t have feeling, so again. NO
- Carbs will make fat, so cut them out Carbs fuel your brain, not make you fat. Carbs are in fruit and veggies, not just pasta and biscuits. The important thing here is not to cut the carbs, but reduce your processed foods.
We’ve limited this to a list of 20, but we know there are a stack more! Lots of people come to us questioning some or many of the above, asking for clarity cause they are so confused with all the conflicting info.
If you need help to sort through the truth from the lies and want to know more about how PPT can help, GET IN TOUCH