Are we preaching to the choir or do you need a gentle nudge?
Never miss another workout again with these top 20 reminders of why it’s important you get to the gym today. We’ve gone around and asked our trainers
“Fat Loss aside, why should clients exercise?”
- Decrease risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancers (let’s get the really serious stuff out of the way first)
- Better posture
- Build strength
- Look better naked
- Look better in clothes
- If points 5 & 6 are on point, then here’s to better sex life
- Improvements in your mood
- You can make some great friends
- Better bloodwork – cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar (OK, that’s another serious one and important)
- Better movement and mobility
- Decrease falls risk as we age
- Improve confidence & self esteem
- Reduce back pain
- Reduce knee pain
- It’s an anti-depressant
- Improve bone strength
- To balance out sitting on your butt all day at work
- To build up your own self belief & worth
- Be fit enough to keep up with the kids
- Improved your sleep/manage fatigue
We know we said top 20, but clients always say us coaches can’t count, so here are another 5 reasons just in case the ones above haven’t done enough to convince you yet.
- Better cognitive function
- Clearer skin
- To set a good example to your kids (or other loved ones)
- Strength training holds onto your muscle
- Once you feel good you make better choices in other areas of your life….
Oh wait we forgot the most important
Because you owe it to yourself to be the best version of you!
And this was just what we got from a quick 5 second chat with our team! What have we missed? Weight loss aside, there are so many reasons to get moving and to make training a part of your lifestyle.