“You’re too old to be doing that!”
We’ve all heard, said, or been on the receiving end of that statement, but do we really believe it and should you let it define you in the gym?
On any given day, between our PT sessions and our SQUAD group training, our membership age would span decades! Our youngest being in their teens, our eldest 70. One day within the same STRONG squad session we had an 18 year old through to a 48 year old. Can you ever say then, that you would be too old to train?
You are never too old to start training, what you might be however is too young (yes YOUNG) in training years to do certain exercises. Let me explain.
Some of our hardest working clients are those who are experienced in training years. They put in the ground work to learn how to move correctly, build their strength and increase their fitness and work capacity to cope with the session. As a result, as the years go on (i.e they get older) they become more capable to withstand the tough sessions.
If you were to look at two people of identical age, say 50, but one had been in the gym for 5 years, the other had never set foot inside a gym, they would both be very capable of training. As trainers, we would put them through vastly different programs. Lets take it a step further and use a real life client as an example. Caroline has recently celebrated her 49thbirthday. She also shared photos of her at 40 and compared them to her now. I bet if you asked 40 year old Caroline if she would be doing a pull up, she’d have laughed at you and told you that you were mad! She’s turned back the clock, so too can you.
So to anyone out there who says they are too old, maybe reading this has convinced you that you are not! With so many exercise options out there, if you find the right trainer who is respectful of where you are at physically and who has the knowledge and ability to support you, you’ll get over that age barrier and actually start to turn wind the clock right back and just like a good wine, you’ll get better with every passing year.