You’ve got a big event coming up. It’s going to be the most important day of your life and so the preparation begins. Everything needs to be spot on, especially the cake.
Where do you start? How do you pick?
If I told you to go to the Sara Lee factory and buy a slab what would your response be? Don’t get me wrong, Sara Lee cakes are great, quick kid’s parties they certainly do the trick. They are quick, easy, convenient and that’s what you pay for.
It’s not tailored to what you want.
You haven’t sat down and discussed your theme for the event and designed a cake that will reflect your theme or personality.
It’s not necessarily your favourite flavour, ganache, or colour.
Simply put, it’s a lot of cake. Generic, plain, rectangular cake.
Anyone thinking yet, what the hell does this cake have to do with personal training?
You’ve got this big event coming up (birthday, wedding, holiday, LIFE) and you need to prepare (get healthy, lose fat, build strength, whatever your goal is). You want it all to be spot on and by that we mean you want results.
So what do you do and where do you start on this search for results?
Personal training is like the personally designed cake. You’ve sat down, had a good talk with your trainer about your goals and from there a training and lifestyle plan is put into place to get you there. THIS IS YOUR CAKE!! Your favourite colours, flavours, design, ganache, maybe even a sculpted cake that is a direct reflection of you.
It’s not a bootcamp or some big massive group session that has one massive broad stroke at everyone’s goals and ability, what cake would that be? Yep you guessed it, that’s the frozen Sara Lee slab available with zero personalization. This group session might still be exercise, but you get where we are coming from? The two can’t really be compared at all.
Why are we pointing this out? It’s not to dis the group sessions that exist within our community. The purpose to all of this is to help many understand that Personal Training carries with it a higher price tag for a reason. It’s not something you can pull off the shelf and put in your trolley. Each client in front of us takes a lot of time, consideration, effort and rightly so, they pay for it.
Don’t get confused about what you want, and when you are looking for a Personal Trainer do your research. If you are looking for a group training environment, again do your research. There’s such a massive scope out there in what is offered and when you go to compare, make sure you are comparing two of the SAME SERVICE. If you want a personal approach with tailored exercise, nutrition advice, programs supplied to do on your own time, then find someone who gives you that service. Find someone who will make you your very own cake…. and then you can eat it too.