Looking for a specialist PT facility brought Claire to us, now it’s that plus so much more that keeps her coming back.
I chose PPT because they just focused on personal training, no gym memberships or monthly fees. They do one thing (personal training), and do it well.
Through training at PPT, I have gained strength which has translated into my sport and that’s helped me with an existing back injury. It’s given me the confidence to push myself more at the gym and in life.
It’s nice knowing you’re not forgotten as soon as your session is over. I didn’t expect the PT’s to kepe track of my efforts outside the gym and send me encouraging messages throughout the week, It’s really helped me stay motivated and it feels like they’re always there for you. The team is great! Everyone is so encouraging and supportive. There’s absolutely no judgment regardless of your abilities and they’re always there to help.
The days I have PT are the best days of the week! If I couldn’t train at PPT anymore my weeks would be very boring. I never thought I’d enjoy working out so much.
Choosing to train at PPT will be the best decision you ever make! The team are so dedicated to help you reach your goals; you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.
If you’re looking to achieve something with your health and fitness and like Claire want a specialist to help you along, get in touch with our team.
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