What set the PPT8 Challenge apart from other challenges for you?
8 weeks is manageable and a great amount of time to form a habit. I generally clean eat but have never tracked Macros before. I enjoyed that the most. The challenge wasn’t a chore and I could mix and match foods so I didn’t become bored.
What results did you achieve during the PPT8?
I dropped 4 kgs but most importantly, I felt good in my own skin again and that gives you the drive and motivation to keep going.
What lifestyle change did you experience because of PPT8?
I have 3 children, a husband and a busy career, our nights are filled with sports and it doesn’t leave much time to cook and sit down as a family to eat dinner. I organised my time to food prep for the whole family. In the end, it saves time and being prepared really is the key to success. I also listened to my body. I train as hard as I can (and that will never change) and would always push through a training session even if I knew I needed a rest. Throughout the challenge, if I needed a rest I would take it.
Your friend is thinking of doing the next PPT8 challenge, what would you tell them and why?
The challenge is so rewarding and the results are something that you can be proud of. Your health is absolutely worth the investment. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or someone who clean eats, the challenge is for everyone. The community is great and the support is amazing. The challenge keeps you on track and teaches you habits with nutrition and exercise that you can continue with well past the 8 weeks.